Sonic has many freinds but his best freind is "Tails the fox" He is a freindly person that gets on very well with everyone.
Sonic`s best friend is Tails.But in the Sonic The Hedgehog and the Adventures Of Sonic The HedgehogIt was both Sally and Tails.Knuckles, and Tails
Beacuse ppeople want them to be differnt.
Fire and sonics. Sonics to a lesser degree then Venom
finish all other characters story then you will unlock super sonics story.
shawdow is sonics best friend/enemy
No he is not. Knuckles is both Sonic`s friend and a rival.
Sonic`s best friend is Tails.But in the Sonic The Hedgehog and the Adventures Of Sonic The HedgehogIt was both Sally and Tails.Knuckles, and Tails
The Sonics was created in 1960.
The Sonics ended in 1968.
Bristol Sonics was created in 2002.
Here Are The Sonics was created in 1965.
Beacuse ppeople want them to be differnt.
Fire and sonics. Sonics to a lesser degree then Venom
No. Amy did never whack sonic with a hammer because she is sonics best friend.
the super sonics have won 7 NBA titles