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None. They are both common.

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Q: Who is rarer gingersnap or DJ quack?
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What are all common moshlings?

dustbin beaver, chop chop, penny, dj quack, snookumks, squige, humphey, stanley, angel, purdy, gingersnap.

What moshlings can you get if your not a moshi member?

Liberty,Gingersnap,Purdy,Hansel,Stanley,Chop chop,Ecto,Big bad bill,Dj quack and alot more

How do you get dj quack cuddly toy?

type the code QUACK

Who can fly on Moshi Monsters Diavlo or DJ Quack?

Both Diavlo and DJ Quack can fly on Moshi Monsters.

How do you get a DJ Quack poster on Moshi Monsters?

Currently (May 2013), there is no DJ Quack poster available on Moshi Monsters.

What species is DJ Quack the moshling on Moshi Monsters?

DJ Quack the moshling is in the Birdies Set of moshlings on Moshi Monsters

What are common moshlings?

Moshlings that you can get easily. They are Gingersnap-beat up cat Squidge-flying fluff ball DJ quack-DJ bird Snookums-baby dino Chop Chop-ninja monkey Angel-pony Purdy-pink cat Humphrey-hippo Stanley-seahorse

What is moshling 13?

DJ quack

How do you attract DJ Quack on the Moshi Monsters Cupcake Game?

DJ Quack's required ingredients are orange cake and scummi worms.

What is DJ Quack a copywrite of?

DJ Jack in Dani's House on CBBC

Is dj quack a boy or a girl?


Which moshling wears red sunglasses?

dj quack how is it