drifloon and you can catch one every Friday in the valley windworks
Number 65 is Drifloon.
diamond pokedex number 80 is Barboach
Well, since there is no number 117 in the local pokedex in Pokemon Diamond, we have to look into the national pokedex. In the national pokedex, number 117 is Seadra. Number 117 in the Sinnoh Pokedex is Wooper, can be found in the great marsh or on route 212
On the national pokedex Groudon is number 383.You can not find Groudon on the Sinnoh pokedex.
# 135 on the pokedex in Luminion.
Number 65 is Drifloon.
Unown is number 114 in diamond pokedex hope it helped
diamond pokedex number 80 is Barboach
Well, since there is no number 117 in the local pokedex in Pokemon Diamond, we have to look into the national pokedex. In the national pokedex, number 117 is Seadra. Number 117 in the Sinnoh Pokedex is Wooper, can be found in the great marsh or on route 212
On the national pokedex Groudon is number 383.You can not find Groudon on the Sinnoh pokedex.
Drifloon, He can be found on fridays in front of the house with the windmills near floaroma town.
# 135 on the pokedex in Luminion.
Number 65 in the National Pokedex is Alakazam, Weepinbell in the New Pokedex and Johto Pokedex, Crobat in the Hoenn Pokedex, Drifloon in the Sinnoh Pokedex, Scraggy in the Unova Pokedex, Muk in the New Unova Pokedex, Kirlia in the Central Kalos Pokedex, Tyrantrum in the Coastal Kalos Pokedex, Litwick in the Mountain Kalos Pokedex.
vfrt in the pokedex for sinnoh #111 in the pokedex is a garchomp
146 is Uxie on sinnoh pokedex On National pokedex it is Moltres