Nancy Drew is a fictional young amateur detective in various mystery series for children and teens. Created by Edward_Stratemeyer
she is a teen detective that solves mysteries! Nancy Drew is the main character of the Nancy Drew mystery stories, Nancy Drew on Campus books, and Nancy Drew Files books.
No, Nancy Drew is an only child.
There are 37 Nancy Drew video games.
nancy drew and bess andgeorge and mr.drew
Nancy Drew 22 is released on June 29, 2010
it takes five and a half minutes to get from Paris to nancey. that is because Paris in right next door to nancey.
Christofer drews parents are Nancey Keifner and Edward Ingle.
Jessica Fox
Obama Joe Biden and Nancey policy
shani wallis
Glen Lantz - played by a Young Johnny depp
his dad name was prince younger and his mom name was nancey attucks
well his mother and father Nancey Keifner and Edward Ingle he has his siblings Hannah ingle, Sarah Ingle, and David ingle he has tons of bands who have been in his life His on and off ex-Girlfriend Kristen Krewson Carter Hulsey, cady groves, the ready set, there for tomorrow... and much more.
Charles Drew only had on sibling and her name was Elsie.
Dr Nancy Fannie MIllis was born on April 10, 1922, In Melbourne. She retired in 2006. Now she is 85 years old
Eva Pennington, Elsie Drew, and Nora Drew Gregory.