Aggron is better because of his type(steel). Steel has very little things that are O.K. or even super effective while most things are not very effective
I say aggron because it has much better defense and in mega evolution it has ultimate defense
aggron is weaker than heatran by a mile simply because heatran is a legendary Pokemon
I think its good, but, u did not keep your starter pokemon thats funny actually anyways i would suggest you to train ,swellow , a grumpig , wailord (or) , aggron , raichu, wlarien anyways i would suggest u to train your starter instead of grumpig i guess this would have helped a bit
aggron is better than rampardos because steel type moves are stronger than rock Pokemon.Aggron is a steel type and rampardos is a rock type.good luck. Well to my experience with both Pokemon Aggron is a very good defence type but rampardos has good attack. Happy to help! :)
Dusclops because he is immune to normal and fighting type moves
that depends on your personal preference i personally think tyranitar over aggron
I say AGGRON because it is a steel type and steel have the least weakness.
AGGRON! Rampardos's Attack is higher but his defenses are absolutely horrible.
I say aggron because it has much better defense and in mega evolution it has ultimate defense
aggron is weaker than heatran by a mile simply because heatran is a legendary Pokemon
You can get awesome Pokémon by catching them. Some great Pokémon are Swellow, Tropius, Golem, Wheezing, Blaziken, Swampert, Flygon and Aggron.
Ninkask - you can find him by tackling a tree in the Chroma Road
They Are About Equal In Rating To Me. Flygon Has Better speed than Salamence but salamence has better attack and defence. On a Scale of 1 and 100 flygon is a 85 and salamence is a 85 in a half. But personally i think flygon is better. There great together in double battles such as battle tower. ETC.
I think its good, but, u did not keep your starter pokemon thats funny actually anyways i would suggest you to train ,swellow , a grumpig , wailord (or) , aggron , raichu, wlarien anyways i would suggest u to train your starter instead of grumpig i guess this would have helped a bit
aggron is better than rampardos because steel type moves are stronger than rock Pokemon.Aggron is a steel type and rampardos is a rock type.good luck. Well to my experience with both Pokemon Aggron is a very good defence type but rampardos has good attack. Happy to help! :)