I say aggron because it has much better defense and in mega evolution it has ultimate defense
Definitely tyranitar it's best moves dark pulse ,earth power giga impact and a few more While nidoking's best Moves are earth power and megahorn
aggron is better than rampardos because steel type moves are stronger than rock Pokemon.Aggron is a steel type and rampardos is a rock type.good luck. Well to my experience with both Pokemon Aggron is a very good defence type but rampardos has good attack. Happy to help! :)
Tyranitar is definitely a strong Pokemon. Its attack, defense, and HP is high and tyranitar also learns great moves like stone edge, earthquake, dark pulse, and hyper beam with using TMs. I have a tyranitar and it is great. If you want to make your tyranitar stronger is stats, the right when pupitar evolves into tyranitar, go to veilstone city and buy many stat raisers like protein. The more Pokemon your new tyranitar fights, the less stat ups it will eat. So when you just get tyranitar, go buy a LOT of stat raisers, at least as many as you can, tyranitar will eat at least 5 of each stat raisers: protein, iron, calcium, zinc, carbos, and HP up. However, I am sure that PP ups will not be affected by the amount of trainers tyranitar fights. This rule applies will all other Pokemon, and if you get a Pokemon that does not evolve, right when you catch it will be the best time to try this method. If you do this method, you will have slightly stronger Pokemon than if you did not use this method. Try it out, it does cost a lot, but look around for trainers who will give a LOT of reward money and you will be rich FAST.
Aggron is a Rock and Steel type pokemon.
that depends on your personal preference i personally think tyranitar over aggron
Both, but Tyranitar is stronger than Blastoise 'cause he's got a base of 600 and Blastoise got base of 530.
In Pokémon Colosseum, Evice's Pokémon party consisted of a full Pokémon party which were Scizor, Slaking, Machamp, Salamence, SLowking, Tyranitar and Aggron. Evice's Tyranitar is a Level 55 Shadow Pokémon and once the hero player captures it, it will be replaced by the Aggron in Evice's party for all future rematches against him.
I would suggest getting a tyranitar or umbreon instead of sableye. Also the bastiodon should be switched out with aggron. Also a fire or dragon type would be handy I beat soulsilver with a Feraligatr Tyranitar Dragonite Sceptile Magmortar and Ampharos.
very gd actually when did you get it?
He doesn't, he is the last stage, but Lairon evolves into Aggron at level 42. I advise waiting for him to evolve if you want some of his stronger moves, because Lairon learns then sooner. If not, then go ahead and evolve him.
Definitely tyranitar it's best moves dark pulse ,earth power giga impact and a few more While nidoking's best Moves are earth power and megahorn
You can get exclusivly on Diamond: Seel, Dewgong, Scyther, Murkrow, Scizor, Larvitar, Pupitar, Tyranitar, poochyena, Mightyena Aron, Lairon, Aggron, Kecleon, Cranidos, Rampardos, Honchkrow, Stunky, Skuntank, and Dialga.
(Seel, Dewgong, Scyther, Murkrow, Scizor, Larvitar, Pupitar, Tyranitar, Poochyena, Mightyena, Aron, Lairon, Aggron, Kecleon, Cranidos, Rampardos, Honchkrow, Stunky, Skuntank, Dialga)
(Seel, Dewgong, Scyther, Murkrow, Scizor, Larvitar, Pupitar, Tyranitar, Poochyena, Mightyena, Aron, Lairon, Aggron, Kecleon, Cranidos, Rampardos, Honchkrow, Stunky, Skuntank, Dialga)
aggron is better than rampardos because steel type moves are stronger than rock Pokemon.Aggron is a steel type and rampardos is a rock type.good luck. Well to my experience with both Pokemon Aggron is a very good defence type but rampardos has good attack. Happy to help! :)
As follows: * Seel * Dewgong * Scyther * Murkrow * Scizor * Larvitar * Pupitar * Tyranitar * Poochyena * Mightyena * Aron * Lairon * Aggron * Kecleon * Cranidos * Rampardos * Honchkrow * Stunky * Skuntank * Dialga