charazard better moves more attack easier level up
+ Infernape has really low stats except attack and speed. 'Zard's stats are better overall. Plus Charizard learns heat wave which is a really useful move.
Charizard flying over fighting? Charizard will win
Charizard, but they all become powerful in different ways so it is almost impossible to tell. Blaziken uses all out fire. Charizard becomes powerful in stamina and guts. Typhlosion becomes powerful in speed and guts. Infernape learns to use all of the above categories but isn't as powerful in any of them. Charizard excels in Attack Blaziken excels in Defense Typhlosion excels in Speed Infernape excels in Special Attack End of Story.
CHARIZARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! charizard is an amazing pokemon. hehehe.
entei,blaziken and charizard Don't forget infernape. and then there's always fire arceus. ( when he's holding the flame plate )
Charizard flying over fighting? Charizard will win
i think charizard
no it must be a ditto and a infernape P.S I've got sceptile grovile infernape empoleon lvl 100 torterra and charizard!
well charizard of course would win because he can just burn him and do the size bin toss and onix will faint
Charizard, but they all become powerful in different ways so it is almost impossible to tell. Blaziken uses all out fire. Charizard becomes powerful in stamina and guts. Typhlosion becomes powerful in speed and guts. Infernape learns to use all of the above categories but isn't as powerful in any of them. Charizard excels in Attack Blaziken excels in Defense Typhlosion excels in Speed Infernape excels in Special Attack End of Story.
It can't learn it, only charizard can on either leafgreen or firered on island 1.
the strongest fire types i think are charizard, emboar, infernape, blaziken, and typhlosion are my answer
im guessing infernape cause infernape is a starter
CHARIZARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! charizard is an amazing pokemon. hehehe.
Impossible only Charizard, Typhlosion, Blaziken, and Infernape can learn Blast Burn.
infernape and empoleon and torterra and emboar,seperior,samorout,charizard,blastoise,venasaur