Magwic arrow, who else? He is the new elvenmage, except no nooby def!
that's abbsyal whip of course
There is no "best" auto for runescape. They are all illegal (in the real world) and are against the rules.
The best monster to kill in Runescape would be the King Black Dragon.
The best way to fish on runescape is to use a net or a fishing rod and bait in draynor. Then it is easy to bank your fish
because he has no life and has nothing beter to do all day._#*%_#*%_#*%_.
that's abbsyal whip of course
runscape is the best it dosent suck it cool beter then u dud runescapes awseome u idiot shall i slap your dum face your probaly a nerd runescape is for cool people
the best beter then ksi
Some people would say that pickles are beter, but some people would say that the pie is beter. So what maters is what you thing that is the best
No SAS is the Best
No way! Essendon and Hawthorn are beter.
Yes it is beter because Jages was 1st who relise that type of game.. And RuneScape has much more cooler quests and it is much more intresting then this one.. Also runescape have Fullscreen mode.. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- first of all runescape is the original and is better because of the graphics and it's got more options of what do drawing u in longer than frugooscape
No, currently, telmomarques is the best player in Runescape.
Crabs218 is the second best runescaper on runescape he is friends with zezmia and i am crabs218 i am the second best runescaper on runescape
Bing is so gay i like google beter
Which college is beter? City of westmister or Kingsway westmister?