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1x1x1x1...So you ask this question?


1x1x1x1 is...a myth, created by the Roblox admins.


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Gurbux Panesar

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Q: Who is 1x1x1x1 in Roblox?
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Related questions

What did 1x1x1x1 do?

1x1x1x1 exploited a glitch on the Roblox website which gave him access to the Roblox database. This allowed him to ban players, to change place names and descriptions, and to just about anything else on the Roblox website. When Roblox realized what happened, they quickly fixed the bug and banned 1x1x1x1 from Roblox.

Who is 1x1x1 in Roblox?

Considering 1x1x1x1 was Shedletsky, yes.

Why does 1x1x1x1 want to destroy Roblox?

Because it is really annoying it comes up all the time! I know!

Why did telamon pretend to be 1x1x1x1?

Telamon would not do that because he is an adult. I think 1x1x1x1 prob hacked Telamon and then 1x1x1x1 pretended.

Is roblox being hacked?

Currently, ROBLOX is not being majorly hacked. However, there was a clan called 1x1x1x1 that hacked roblox a long time ago. People say they may be coming back, but also I have been hacked by them. So, really the only hacks on ROBLOX are the little glitches that most kids do using cheat engines. Hope this helps, UNDEROATHA7X on ROBLOX

How do you login on to the roblox test site?

you use your own username and password simple! :) Also I'll let you in on a little secret, 1x1x1x1 was working for Roblox. But one day someone who lived close to him encountered the hacking and reported it to the cops. Spread the word so everyone who goes on roblox is aware.

What are the 5 roblox hackers?

Technically, there are a lot more than 5 hackers on Roblox But the 4 most known hackers on Roblox were in 1x1x1x1. They were, Dignity, Deoveolente, (I don't know if it's spelled right) Vonson, and Zuka. You're welcome if this helped you. Send me a friend request, my username is Hotdude998. (Not an Online Dater)

What is 1x1x1x1's passcode?


How do you exploit roblox?

1. if you want to, there is cheat engine 2. if you just want to know, DON'T DO IT. It WILL get you banned. 1x1x1x1 did that and got IP banned. do you want that? NO. added by crazykilla15:idiot everytime you reboot your computer your ip resets to a new one then ta-da unbanned noob

Is 1x1x1x1 banned on ROBLOX?

Sort of... He is banned, and IP banned at that, but he can come back on a new account any time. All he has to do is unplug his router for a few hours and he'll have a new IP. Then he'd make a new account and start hacking all over again.

What is 1-4th of 16?

1-4 X16=16 Explanation: 1-4=1/1x1x1x1=1

Roblox or Fortnite?

Hi it me again i think Roblox is better has its a friendly fun game :3 but for this game "Fortnite" It has killing in the game itself so i don't think it would be a good game for everyone