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Q: Who invented the second video game console in what year?
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Related questions

When was the video game console invented?

The first video game system, the Magnavox Odyssey, was invented in 1972.

What was Sega's second to the last video game console?

The Saturn console. (btw the final console was Dreamcast)

Who invented the handheld video game?

Nintendo, the first handheld console was the Game & Watch, not the Gameboy.

Why did they make Sony video game consoles?

Sony's first video game console, the PlayStation, was invented on December 3, 1994.

Why was the NES invented?

It was invented so people, mainly children, would be entertained by a new video game console.

Who invented the first console and what year?

If by "console" you mean "home video game console," then it was probably the Magnavox Odyssey (first prototype 1968, Ralph Baer).

What is technical definition of a video game console?

A video game console is a device that outputs a video signal to display a video game. Simple as...

Why was video game console invented?

So that people like you aren't bored asking dumb questions.

How was the video game console was invented?

omg its so old!!!!!!!! noone likes atari anymore lol!!!!

What video game features Blood Edward Island?

Trace Memory, an adventure video game developed by Cing and published by Nintendo for the Nintendo DS portable video game console. A second game in the series, Gateway of Memory, was announced for the Wii console on October 2, 2008.

When was the first games console invented?

The Odyssey, the worlds first home video game console/system, was released on January 27, 1972 priced at $100.

What is a Mobile computing device designed for single-player or multiplayer video games?

game console game console is an electronic device that outputs a video signal or image to display a video game that can be played with a game controller.