go to Africa leave the town and go left until yo see a lake go above the the lake and use radar if there is a red dot dig up if not go back to town and do this again until you get spinosaurus or you can get spiny at stone circle by entering water-earth-fire-water-fire-grass-wind-earth
how do i get a awakened parasrolophus on dinosaur king ds game
he is in Africa arfter a quest
you have go to anrtaca
Here is an action replay code for Dinosaur King: 94000130 FFFB0000,12292376 00000301,12292378 0000XX00,D2000000 00000000. Dinosaur King was released on Nintendo DS in 2007.
The dinosaur king of the jurassic was the mighty Spinosaurus
how do i get a awakened parasrolophus on dinosaur king ds game
In Dinosaur King, It is veryyy rare. so therefore it is hard to get
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he is in Africa arfter a quest
No. The largest carnivorous dinosaur discovered so far is the Spinosaurus.
it can be spinosaurus giganotosauru or carcharodonthosaurus
the best type of dinosaur is spinosaurus. it had large arms, unlike t-rex. and it had a long mouth so it can kill its prey easily. and there are even results that spinosaurus is way better than t-rex. people should consider spinosaurus the king of the dinosaurs.
Yes, Spinosaurus is considered a bipedal dinosaur, meaning it walked on two legs.