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A conductor

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Q: Who collects money on a bus?
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What do you call the man or woman who collects fares on bus?

whatv do you call the manor woman who collects fares on bus

What do you call a person who collects money on a bus?

a "numismatist"American Heritage Dictionary definition:nu·mis·mat·ics (nōō'mĭz-māt'ĭks, -mĭs-, nyōō'-) Pronunciation Keyn. (used with a sing. verb) The study or collection of money, coins, and often medals. nu·mis'ma·tist(nōō-mĭz'mə-tĭst, -mĭs'-, nyōō-) n.

What do you call a person who collects fares?

* Conductor * Ticket Taker * Bus Driver

Who gets the tax money?

The government collects the tax money.

What international charity collects money on halloween?

UNICEF is the international charity that collects money on Halloween. This tradition dates back to 1950 when Trick or Treat for UNICEF began.

What department collects taxes?

The Internal Revenue Service is the department that collects taxes. The Internal Revenue Service collects the money for the US Department of Treasury.

What branch of government collects money from taxes?


Who collects money for a loan shark by use of violence?

An enforcer.

What is the name of the person who collects the money in the catholic church?


What is the primary way government collects money?

Though taxation.

What is a nusimatist?

A numismatist collects currency (coins and paper money).

What does a numismatist collects?

A numismatist, usually collect forms of currency, such as tokens, paper money, and similar items.Coins.