any Pokemon in the ground egg group (theres a lot!)
but you could use a pikachu (assuming most everybody has one) or Raichu
No, Eevee does not have to evolve to breed.
With a other Eevee, one of its evolutions, or a ditto.
Eevee can breed with any Pokemon in the Field Egg Group and including Ditto as well.
Yes. Breed a ditto with any eevee evolution and the result egg will be eevee.I second the verdict. The egg will definitely be an Eevee.
No, Eevee does not have to evolve to breed.
breed eevee with a ditto breed eevee with a ditto
Yes.If you breed two of any Eevee evolutions,you will get an egg that contains an Eevee.
With a other Eevee, one of its evolutions, or a ditto.
Yes you can. Since both Glaceon and Ditto are breedable Pokemon. You can also breed any Eevee evolution as well as Eevee with Ditto to get an Eevee.
Eevee can breed with any Pokemon in the Field Egg Group and including Ditto as well.
breed eevee/ eeveeloutions with a ditto or other eevees
Yes. Breed a ditto with any eevee evolution and the result egg will be eevee.I second the verdict. The egg will definitely be an Eevee.
Eevee can only be bred by a Ditto or another Eevee. Make sure you have an Eevee of the opposite gender. You can catch any Ditto to breed with. Make sure the Ditto gets along well with Eevee, however.
Yes you can! Im not sure with what but many say diglett or ditto can breed with all types of pokemon. I am a fan of EEVEE!!
You can breed a male smeargle that knows curse with a female umbreon to hatch an eevee with the move curse.