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Goku by using a Super Spirit Bomb, utilizing the ki from every living being on Earth.

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Q: Who beats majin buu?
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Who beats super buu?

Goku and Vegeta go inside him and take out Majin Buu (the fat one) and he turns into Kid Buu.

Who kills Majin Buu?

Goku killed buu (buu in his final form as "kid buu") with the spirit bomb

How was buu made?

Buu was made because Uub and buu did fusion it could only change to majin buu or majin Uub.

I cant find the episodes with majin buu. what series is he from?

isn't the buu saga named that since they are fighting majin buu?

How did buu transform?

Do you mean Majin Buu? He expels his negative energy and powers when he got angry, which formed in Evil Buu. Evil Buu then reflected a Chocolate Beam that Majin Buu fired at him, which turned Majin Buu into food. He then ate him, and turned into Super Buu.

How did goku die after the death of majin buu?

Goku doesn't die after Majin buu. Simple as that.

What race is majin buu?

Majin Buu,Evil Buu,Super Buu,and Kid Buu's race are Majins.Powerful and dangerous species.They can't get hurt from attacks of other races,but they can get hurt by their own kind.Or,maybe not...?

Did majin buu fused with vegeta?


Who is the maker of DotA?

Majin buu

Who defeats majin buu?


What happens after Goku and vegeta get out of majin buu?

He turns into Kid Buu.

Did majin buu kill gohan?

no because buu abzorbed gohan