If you are going by fan favorites, i know XLR8 comes first. If you go by strongest, then that's four arms. It's hard to say who's the best because each one is the best in their own way. except when it comes to short circuit an alarm, (Greymatter), or beating up thugs, (Fourarms).
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there is no blue ben ten jacket that is the mock 5 jacket its lvl 4 and you can get it in sector V.
You just wait about 5 Sim hours and they will come back!
First of all , Bug catching contest only happens on Tuesday , Thursday and Saturday , For Tuesday , the catchable pokemon`s are : Caterpie(20%) , Weedle (20%) , Metapod (10%) , Kakuna (10%) , Paras (10%) , Venonat (10%) , Butterfree (5%) , Beedrill (5%) , Scyther (5%) and Pinsir (5%) For Thursday , The catchable pokemon`s are: Wurmple (20%) , Nincada (20%) , Silcoon (10%) , Volbeat (10%) , Kricketot (10%) , Kricketune (10%) , Dustox (5%) , Combee (5%) , Scyther (5%) and Pinsir (5%) For Saturday , the catchable pokemon`s are: Wurmple (20%) , Nincada (20%) , Cascoon (10%) , Illumise (10%) , Kricketot (10%) , Kricketune (10%) , Beautifly (5%) , Combee (5%) , Scyther (5%) and Pinsir (5%)
One opinion believes Shaymin is 7 out of 10 for the best Legendary, the Kanto Legendary Birds (Articuno, Zapdos and Moltres) are all 5 out of 10 for the best Legendary and the Hoenn Legendary Birds (Latias and Latios) are a perfect 10. Another opinion believes Rayquaza, Suicune, Dialga, Mew, Lugia, Darkrai, Giratina, Palkia and Groudon are the best 10 Legendary Pokémon. Some opinions believe Latias and Latios, Rayquaza, Suicune, Dialga and Kyogre would be the 6 best Legendary Pokémon. Another opinion believes as follows: 1. Arceus 2. Mewtwo 3. Ho-Oh and Lugia 4. Girantina 5. Rayquaza 6. Reshiram and Zekrom 7. Dialga and Palkia 8. Kyogre and Groudon 9. Regigigas 10. Kyruem