Aerospace Engineer
· Geological Engineer · Geophysical Engineer
· Industrial Engineer · Industrial Health Engineer · Irrigation Engineer
Wireless telecommunication engineer
· Zoning Engineer
Civil Engineer designs building. Basically, they are dealing with designs, planning, constructions and maintenance of roads, dams, bridges, buildings and canals. Civil Engineers need to play several roles such as structural engineers, site engineer, environmental engineers etc.
Mechanical Engineer
Aerospace Engineer
environmental engineer
The type of engineer that builds bridges is called a structural engineer. A structural engineer typically builds bridges and other large buildings.
A recording engineer job is mostly technical but includes some creativity as well. This type of job allows the engineer to determine the editing of the music.
the type of work is in buildings and mostly building roads of limestone! :)
Depends on what type of engineer. Electrical, electronic, aeronautical, marine, civil, mechanical, chemical, etc. I am an explosives engineer- I get to remove old buildings, old bridges, and mountains.
civil engineers, structural engineers, and architects are the main bridge builders.
· Dairy Engineer · Design Engineer · Drafting Engineer