The first 80gb they made (with 4 usb ports) has software based PS2 emulation and plays most PS2 games. It is no longer made however, all new PS3s are not backwards compatible with PS2 games.
your console can play NZ, AUS and UK but NOT American... i found this out when i bought American games you need a NTSC console or an American console or a mod chip to do this if you dont have one of those you cant play American games
Normally you cannot. It will make your screen do this rolling thing. You will have to make it so your console can play copied games and then convert it from NTSC to PAL. It is not all that hard to do if you know what you are doing. That guide I mentioned above told my friend how to do most everything with copying console games.
if you bought games in Germany or the ps2 in Germany of course they will still work sony is the only one who makes ps2's
There is 5000 games in ps2 console and they are still making games
No the only PS3 consoles that play PS2 games are the early PS3 models with 4 USB ports as can be seen on the related link to the PlayStation Knowledge Center.
You can not play PS3 games on a PS2 console
No the PS2 does not play burned games
If there PS2 educational games. The PS2 will not play games not designed specifically for the PS2 console
No, the PlayStation 1 cannot play PS2 games
Most likely no because they are newer games on an older system.
No. It has the wrong coding.
no the games are not forward compatible
your console can play NZ, AUS and UK but NOT American... i found this out when i bought American games you need a NTSC console or an American console or a mod chip to do this if you dont have one of those you cant play American games
They are a different region and Pal
No the PS2 can not read the PS3 Game Discs