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Reshiram. It has higher Special Attack Points. The Dragon type killer movea are Dragon Pulse and Draco Meteor maybe even Roar of Time and Space Bend, which are all special attack moves. Reshiram will take out Zekrom.

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Q: Which one is better Reshiram or Zekrom?
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Is zekrom better then Reshiram?

In my opinion, Reshiram is more useful in this version. If you have a Zekrom in the Hoenn region ,however, Zekrom will prove very useful there.

Is Reshiram and Zekrom brothers?

Well, answer is yes. Reshiram and Zekrom are also, are twins! Same level!

Is zekrom evil?

They are making 2 movies with victini, one black the other white.Reshiram and Zekrom are both heroes and evils in the 2 movies.In the one where Zekrom is the hero Zekrom saves reshiram from dying in the purple flames, but reshiram doesn't even say thank you, while in the movie with reshiram as the hero, reshiram lets Zekrom meet a terrible fate in the purple flames.That is total proof that Zekrom's a hero and not evil at all, while reshiram is evil, it reminds me of demons. Zekrom is such a hero.He let's technology grow, who knows if pokéballs will exsist without him, while reshiram contributes to global warming making forest fires, and wasting air, using fire.So, Zekrom is not evil 1 bit. He's a hero, while Reshiram, is evil.She's very evil.So Zekrom's a hero, not evil.

Can you get Zekrom and Reshiram in Pokemon White verison?

No you can't. You can catch zekrom in Pokemon white and reshiram in Pokemon black.

Can you catch Zekrom and Reshiram in one game?

In Pokemon Black you will encounter the white Pokemon Reshiram, and in Pokemon White You will catch encounter the black Pokemon Zekrom. Unfortunately, you cannot catch both in one of those games.However, you can obtain both Zekrom and Reshiram in one game by trading one over to the other game. That is the only way how you can get both in a single game.

Related questions

What Pokemon is better reshiram or Zekrom?

I would say Reshiram. Other people would say Zekrom and others would say Reshiram.

Is zekrom better then Reshiram?

In my opinion, Reshiram is more useful in this version. If you have a Zekrom in the Hoenn region ,however, Zekrom will prove very useful there.

Which is better Zekrom or Reshiram?

Depends,if you have Pokemon black or white.If you have white,Zekrom is better because you battle N,he has Reshiram and he'll use Fire Type Moves which aren't very effective.Of course,since Reshiram is Dragon,you'd use Dragon Breath.In Black,Reshiram is better,and it's the same thing,a battle against N.His Zekrom will use Thunder type moves,while you use Dragon type moves.A:White:Zekrom,Black:Reshiram.

Should you get the Reshiram tin or the Zekrom tin?

I prefer the Reshiram tin because I got better cards than my Zekrom tin but it is your choice.

Is Reshiram and Zekrom brothers?

Well, answer is yes. Reshiram and Zekrom are also, are twins! Same level!

Has Zekrom got better moves than Reshiram?

Reshiram has a special move called "Blue Flame" that does 130 dm.and Zekrom's special is thunder strike with does 130,so they are the same---But,i like reshiram the aroura Pokemon he is better than zekrom hey dude,go to Pokemon marrilland to look at all the Pokemon in the unova reigon

Can you get a zekrom and a Reshiram in Pokemon White?

No, only a Zekrom

Is zekrom evil?

They are making 2 movies with victini, one black the other white.Reshiram and Zekrom are both heroes and evils in the 2 movies.In the one where Zekrom is the hero Zekrom saves reshiram from dying in the purple flames, but reshiram doesn't even say thank you, while in the movie with reshiram as the hero, reshiram lets Zekrom meet a terrible fate in the purple flames.That is total proof that Zekrom's a hero and not evil at all, while reshiram is evil, it reminds me of demons. Zekrom is such a hero.He let's technology grow, who knows if pokéballs will exsist without him, while reshiram contributes to global warming making forest fires, and wasting air, using fire.So, Zekrom is not evil 1 bit. He's a hero, while Reshiram, is evil.She's very evil.So Zekrom's a hero, not evil.

Can you get Zekrom and Reshiram in Pokemon White verison?

No you can't. You can catch zekrom in Pokemon white and reshiram in Pokemon black.

Which Pokemon episode did Reshiram fought against Zekrom?

I dont think there's an episode of Reshiram and Zekrom but it is in a movie called Victini and Reshiram movie 14

Which Pokemon is better Reshiram or Zekrom?

Reshiram is a fire and dragon type and Zekrom is a electric and dragon type. They're both genderless and have equal power. I would go for ZEKROM FOR THE WIN PEOPLE. Contrary to that answer Reshiram is mainly dragon while Zekrom is elctric mainly, Reshiram's dragon moves are stronger therefore, Reshiram

How do you get zekrom and reshiram?

In Pokemon White: For Zekrom, you obtain it from N's Castle. Reshiram will needed to be traded for or by Mystery Gift. In Pokemon Black: For Reshiram, you obtain it from N's Castle. Zekrom will needed to be traded for or by Mystery Gift.