go to fusionfaller1.tk gives you the information on what monster drops what like he hex staff
It's a random drop from any monster.
no idea dude/duddet. srry :p
well its impossible because some monster have multiple drops so u cant do it even with hacks. (ps.BATTLE ON)
A monster's ATK can never drop below 0. If a card effect would reduce a monster's ATK below 0, it simply becomes 0.
The monster that drops Water of Enchantment in Zenonia 3 is the Jelly Cube. It is a rare drop, so you may need to defeat multiple Jelly Cubes in order to obtain it. Keep farming and you will eventually get the Water of Enchantment.
Northwest Cloud Plateau , Mob : Cloud Guard Lv 19
go to fusionfaller1.tk gives you the information on what monster drops what like he hex staff
You get charms by monster drops.
the mushmom
clockworks is the only thing that drops that.
It's a random drop from any monster.
monster drops in spiegelmann monster park or buy them from the Free Market
it drops all the weapons in the inn the dagger, hammer, axe, blade, polarm and the staff you can find these weps in the 2nd quest also, the axe, blade and staff are mem
get off of maple
Ice giants have very good drops. Go to Runscape database to see monsters drops.