well its impossible because some monster have multiple drops so u cant do it even with hacks. (ps.BATTLE ON)
Its a drop from a monster named grizzle spit in the area called boxes
yes he drops it but 1% drop rate
The Strongest monster is Miltonius because his HP(his health points) is 78,560..... while his attacks is 30,534,566 - 66,346,775 damage..... and most of all: he is level 100 he's difficulty is 5 stars source: http://aqwwiki.wikidot.com/miltonius-monster
hood , weapon , armour
It means that the drop has a low chance of dropping. A 1% chance means that you, on average, would be expected to receive the drop once every 100 times you defeat the monster. Of course, this can be rather annoying when the monster in question is a boss with high health/damage.
Kill a monster and it may at random give a drop.
The best place to get stuff in AQW is at any kind f monster that will drop it or from drudgen
around 50%
They drop from every monster within 20 levels of your level and from quests.
Its a drop from a monster named grizzle spit in the area called boxes
this blade is dropped by the monster called hydra head. it has a pretty low drop rate.
You get it as a drop from the Ice elemental in Bludrut Keep floor #3, or in The Frozen Northlands dropped from the same monster.
in doomwood
crash site
my bum
rock(in bloodtusk ravine)