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Q: Which item is Yellow - RoadBananaRedHouse?
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Is there a light ball in Pokemon Yellow?

There is no Light Ball item in Pokemon Yellow.

Does the infinite item cheat work on Pokemon Yellow?

Yellow, red, and blue version.

What is a yellow dog?

A yellow dog is an item or person of low monetary worth or value, or a shortening of a Yellow Dog Democrat.

Can you get a light ball in SoulSilver?

Yup, its a rare item from the yellow forest course or a hold item wild pikachu have

What item in pucca's Restaraunt prevents spoilage?

Te yellow refrigerator

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Item in bathroom starts with letter Y?

yellow rubber duck

House hold things that start with y?

Yes Plus Fabric Softener is a household item. Yodora Deodorant is a household item. Yellow peppers are a household item.

What is the hidden item in Pokemon Yellow by route 4?

It's a great ball

Highest price ever paid for a philatelic item?

Potatoes and yellOw fish ☻

Where can you get the red ball with a yellow star in club penguin?

There is no such item. But because Disney owns Clbu Penguin, they might just make an item like that!

Do chickens peck at yellow?

Chickens have very well developed color vision. They even have one additional cone type. Where humans have red, green and blue receptors, chickens have an additional violet cone. So, yes, chickens can see "yellow" and will peck at yellow out of curiosity. If that yellow item is tasty (they also have well defined taste buds), then when they see a similar yellow item, they will again peck at it. Therefore, it's a combination of identifying the color "yellow" and the learned behavior of "yellow tastes good".