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There is no Light Ball item in Pokemon Yellow.

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Q: Is there a light ball in Pokemon Yellow?
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How can you get a light ball in Pokemon HeartGold?

you have to get over 7000 steps on your pokewalker in the yellow forest route

Does pikachu learn electro ball on Pokemon Yellow?

No, pokemon yellow was a classic pokemon game. The move electro ball didn't be created yet.

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If you use the Pokewalker on the Yellow Forest route you may get it by taking 7000+ steps

What colour would a white ball look like in yellow light?

A white ball would appear yellow in yellow light because it reflects the yellow wavelengths of light present in the surroundings.

Master ball Pokemon Yellow?

In Silph Tower

Which Pokemon is better Pikachu with light ball or magneton?

pikachu with light ball is better

Does a tennis ball reflect light?

It does reflect light, as anything does that you can see (a yellow tennis ball reflects yellow light and absorbs the other colors). However, it will not show you your reflection.

Where do you get the master ball in Pokemon Yellow?

In Lavender town's mart.

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Can you get a light ball Pokemon HeartGold besides catching a pikachu from the pokewalker or from Red?

You can trade a Pokemon holding the light ball from a game like ruby.

When should you use the master ball in Pokemon Yellow?

Mewtwo I guess????

How do you get light ball in FireRed?

You have to go and then go and then go to your home in Pokemon then you have to have a Lugia to have a light ball in firered