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Q: Which is the best fighting Pokemon?
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What Pokemon type works best against your dad in Pokemon sapphire?

Fighting type Pokemon

What are the best Pokemon for the elite four on Pokemon Stadium?

I would suggest fighting the elite four with a water, fire, ice, rock, electric, and fighting type pokemon.

What is the best Pokemon to use to defeat Snorlax?

Snorlax is a normal type Pokemon. Therefore, a Fighting type pokemon using Fighting type moves will be super effective.

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A dark than fighting.

What is Pokemon Snorlax weakness?

Fighting type moves are best

Who is the best fighting type pokemon?

Statistically Meloetta is the best fighting type, but Meloetta is mixed type. The best pure fighting type is Mienshao statistically. My personal favourite is Primape

Pokemon Platinum what are thae best Pokemon?

Arceus has the best overall stats. Spiritomb has no weaknesses. It really depends on who you're fighting.

What is the best team for the elite four in Pokemon black?

some Pokemon you might want are Cobalion, (steel-fighting) Terrakion (rock-fighting), and Virizion (grass-fighting). these are legandaries, they help A LOT!

What is the best fighting Pokemon in Pokemon fire red?

If you mean fighting type, the best you can get is Machamp. However, it is hard to get because you need someone to trade and trade back a machoke, so HItmonlee (You get it at the Fighting dojo) is the best next option. Primeape works too. Avoid Hitmonchan.

Which type of attack is best ground electric flying or fighting in Pokemon Platinum?

depends what your fighting, if ground use flying, if electric use fighting, if fighting use fighting

What ' s the best Pokemon stragety?

By Strategy, if you mean best team of Pokemon, i recommend a solid team with a Dark,Psychic,Dragon,Water,Fire, and a Fighting Pokemon.

What the best Pokemon to beat Norman in emerald?

I would say any fighting types.