Snorlax is a normal type Pokemon. Therefore, a Fighting type pokemon using Fighting type moves will be super effective.
Slacking has the best stats overall, but there is no "best" Pokemon. It depends on the use of the Pokemon. My personal favorite normal types are Snorlax and Blissey, because they have a lot of health and have moves that can make them heal, so they are hard to defeat.
You use the Pokeflute to wake up the snorlax and head to fuchsia city. WebRep currentVote noRating noWeight
with using a rock or ground type Pokemon, the best Pokemon you can use to defeat a electric type is rhyperior ok!?
It should be on your Pokegear.
the pokemon you could use to defeat her is electric types or rock and ice
use a pokemon that knows whirlwind and safegaurd and put a golem or graveler by the ghost pokemon then use ice pokemon to defeat snorlax
Since snorlax is a normal type Pokemon fighting types are excellent to use against it. Use moves like cross chop to easily defeat snorlax.
Slacking has the best stats overall, but there is no "best" Pokemon. It depends on the use of the Pokemon. My personal favorite normal types are Snorlax and Blissey, because they have a lot of health and have moves that can make them heal, so they are hard to defeat.
Go to Lavender Town radio tower and get the radio upgrade. Use the POKeFLUTE station on the POKeGEAR radio than either capture or defeat snorlax.
go to lavander city. Go to the ghost tower defeat marowak. see mr fuji who will reward you witht the pokeflute. Go to snorlax select the flut and use it
You use the Pokeflute to wake up the snorlax and head to fuchsia city. WebRep currentVote noRating noWeight
with using a rock or ground type Pokemon, the best Pokemon you can use to defeat a electric type is rhyperior ok!?
use the Pokemon flute
use the Pokemon flute
You can use any pokeball as long as you've weakened snorlax down
Use the pokeflute.
Use the pokeflute.