Ice beam does 95 points of damage versus ice fang which does 65 points of damage so ice beam is more powerful therefore better.
Because fire melts ice duh
Fire, Fighting, Steel and Rock.
Fire-->Plant-->Water-->Fire Dark-->Psychic-->Fighting-->Dark Steel-->Ice-->Ground-->Steel Electric-->Water-->Ground-->Electric Fire-->Ice-->Ground-->Fire
Fire pokemon have an advantage over ice pokemon, if thats what you mean. But in general, Fire pokemon have a base stat average of 448.48 and ice types have one of 449.6, so ice types are generally stronger.
The ice dragon will win because its way more powerful than the fire dragon. Doyee!!
find a powerful fire weapon or train up your stats to get stronger
Power is not determined by the make of the gun, but by the caliber of the cartridge that it fires. The Desert Eagle was made in several calibers. There are revolvers that fire less powerful cartridges, and revolvers that fire more powerful cartridges.
It's also called fire and ice. The more he loves her the more she dislikes him. His burning love like fire hardens the ice which is her love of him.
Get a laptop, because laptops are more powerful and have more features.
It depends on the context. In terms of destructive force, fire can be more powerful as it can cause widespread damage easily. However, in terms of generating energy, wind can be more powerful as it can be harnessed to produce electricity through wind turbines.
In some ways yes and others no. Dry ice can cause some serious burns to the skin while fire burns everything. So, basically fire is the more dangerous.
It depends on the shell you fire.
Fire and ice are both elements that can cause harm or destruction. They are both forms of energy that can change the state of matter, either by melting or freezing it. Additionally, they both have the potential to be powerful forces of nature.
get a grass type pokemon, it can defeat water type. but be carefull of fire types.
Latin: Fire = ignis, Ice = Glacies French: Fire = Feu, Ice = Glace Italian: Fire = Fuoco, Ice = Ghiaccio Portuguese: Fire = Fogo, Ice = Gelo Spanish: Fire = Fuego, Ice = Hielo Sorry if this didn't help :)