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Oddish is better than Seedot

Deepnds on what you need them to do

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Q: Which is better Oddish or Seedot?
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Which Pokemon evolve using a leaf stone in emerald?

Nuzleaf (evolve from Seedot at lv16) and Gloom (evolve from Oddish at lv22)

What pokemon can you catch in white forest?

well i have seen aaron gastly abra trapinch wurmple happiny seedot surskit hoppip and oddish but you need to do entralink with someone who has black version i hope this helps

Is seedot better than shroomish in emerald?

yes in my opinion as when you evolve it to shiftry it is amazing evolution seedot---nuzleaf---shiftry lv 14 use a leaf stone on nuzleaf

How do you evolve Seedot in Pokemon HeartGold?

Seedot evolves at level 14.

Where in ruby version can you find a level 5 or lower oddish?

you can only get a level 5 or lower oddish by breeding an oddish with another oddish with the opposite genders.

Who can you evovle with a leaf stone in Pokemon SoulSilver?

Oddish-Lvl 21-Gloom-Leaf Stone-Vileplume Exeggcute-Leaf Stone-Exeggutor Bellsprout-Lvl 24-Weepinbell-Leaf Stone-Victreebell Seedot-Lvl 14-Nuzleaf-Leaf Stone-Shiftry

Where can you get Seedot in Pokemon?

As far as I'm concerned, you can only get Seedot from Pokemon Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald. In other words, Seedot can be found in the Hoenn Region.

What level does seedot evolve in Pokemon white?

Seedot evolves into Nuzleaf at level 14.

What is the national pokedex number for Seedot?

Seedot is #273 in the national pokedex, and it is a Grass type Pokemon.

Were can you find and oddish in LeafGreen?

You can't. Oddish are version exclusive to firered.

What type is the Pokemon Oddish?

Oddish is the dual Grass/Poison-type Pokemon.

Where is Oddish in soul silver?

you could find oddish in the Ilex Forest at night.