Lucario. His attacks that he obtains in later levels are much better than Machoke's. However, Machoke can be taught some better TM's than Lucario. But overall, Lucario is a better pick.
lucario is better
Lucario!!!!! toxicroak
Maylene uses Fighting type Pokemon so her weakness is flying type and physic type. She has Meditite, Machoke and Lucario. To beat Meditite and Machoke you can use Staravia or Scyther and use wing attack. On Lucario its not that easy. If you have a fire Pokemon you should switch to that. Something like Ponyta should do it.
Lucario. Lucario has special abilities that Gallade doesn't. Lucario is a persistant, modivated fighter. Using its aura sphere and extreme speed, It would beat Gallade in any battle. Hope it Helped! Pokemon Master & Lucario Biologist ~Bolt the lucario
The fighting gym, Maylene is the leader. Her Pokemon are machoke, medicham and lucario. Be careful lucario is fighting steel type. machoke-27 medicham-27 lucario-30
A Meditite,Machoke and strongest one in Lucario
meditite machoke and lucario
lucario and machoke
Machoke, Meditite, and Lucario. Advice: Lucario is weak to fire, ground, and fighting. If you have those types, you wont have much of a problem. :)
lucario is better
Lucario!!!!! toxicroak
Malene has 3 Pokemon (meditite, machoke, lucario) that are all close to lv 24, 25, 26
Maylene uses Fighting type Pokemon so her weakness is flying type and physic type. She has Meditite, Machoke and Lucario. To beat Meditite and Machoke you can use Staravia or Scyther and use wing attack. On Lucario its not that easy. If you have a fire Pokemon you should switch to that. Something like Ponyta should do it.
My team is , Lvl87Empoleon Lvl56 Dialga Lvl60 Machoke Lvl58 Blissey Lvl51 Fearow (for flying purposes only) Lvl47 Lucario
maylene battles with the fighting type and has 3 Pokemon (Machop, Machoke and Lucario)You should use Psycic or Flying Pokemon not Normal PokemonAnswerThe Pokemon is this what I battle against Maylene and she had THESE Pokemon when I battled her MEDITITE (Level 27), MACHOKE (Level 27), LUCARIO (Level 30) On Pearl that is. If mess up because they messed up I will be willing to help.