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Lucario. Lucario has special abilities that Gallade doesn't. Lucario is a persistant, modivated fighter. Using its aura sphere and extreme speed, It would beat Gallade in any battle.

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Q: Which Pokemon is better gallade or Lucario?
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3 fighting pokemon is not the best option better pick an electric pokemon like electivire and a Dark/Ghost pokemon like weavile to replace lucario and gallade

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Lucario ;) Also almost any other Pshychic type Pokemon.

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Well, it depends. If you are battling a fire Pokemon, kingdra would be better to use, but if you are battling a grass Pokemon, gallade would be better to use. Also, gallade has better hp and stats, having evolved four times rather than only three. If I were to carry one in my party, I would probably choose gallade over kingdra, unless I still needed a water Pokemon for the hm surf.

What type of Pokemon is Gallade?

Gallade is a Psychic and Fighting type pokemon.

How is this for a Pokemon platnium team Garchomp Tyranitar Aggron Gallade Lucario Salamence Still a work in progress and need suggestions on Pokemon to change and maybe some moves Cheers?

very gd actually when did you get it?

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Fighting types like machamp machoke machop riolu lucario meditite medicham gallade? crogunk? toxicroak?

What are all the big boss captures in Pokemon ranger shadows of almia?

Probably Drapion, Froslass, Heatran , Lucario, Cresselia, Infernape, Gallade, Dusknoir, Magmortar, Darkrai, And Spiritomb.

Who is better on my Pokemon team i have Charizard Scizor Kingdra Tyranitar Electrivire and either Gallade or Gliscor who is better suited for my team?

I'd say gallade, because in my opinion glisor is weak.

How do you get a Gallade on Pokemon Ruby?

You cannot get a Gallade on Pokemon Ruby. But you may get one in Pokemon Diamond or Pokemon Pearl. - Badminton

What Pokemon are bad against Gallade?

Gallade is both a fighting and psychic type Pokemon. Rock, ghost, dark, grass, and poison Pokemon can be weak against Gallade.

Is Gallade a legendary Pokemon?

Gallade is not a legendary Pokemon. Although it may hold the appearance of one, or be very popular amongst fans (like Lucario), is is not considered legendary. Generally, legendary Pokemon: - Cannot breed; - Do not evolve; - Have no pre-evolutions; - Have high base stats; and - Are hard to catch in the game (requiring some sort of trial to even access). Gallade is a Pokemon who can breed, evolves from Kirlia, has moderate base stats (like many other Pokemon) and is easier to obtain in the game than most legendaries.

How do you get gallade in your friend Pokemon team in Pokemon rangers 2?

After beating Boss Gallade you find a wild Gallade at The Oil Field Hideout