It all depends on the exact Pokemon you have, but if they are trained the exact same way Dragonite is stronger than Charizard, as most Dragon type Pokemon are stronger than other types.
well i have all of them charizard is the best then dragonite, tyranitar, alakazam and the weakest blastiose. PS. GO CHARIZARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
three dragonite's 1 aerodactyl 1 charizard 1gyarados
Yes, shinies (gold magikarp, black charzard, ect) are stronger then normal pokemon,dragonite can't stand a chance against charizard with blast burn and it can also learn rock types
dragonite --- lvl. 64 learns outrage dragonair --- lvl. 57 learns outrage dratini --- breed dragonite with charizard to get dratini with outrage
CHARIZARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! charizard is an amazing pokemon. hehehe.
well i have all of them charizard is the best then dragonite, tyranitar, alakazam and the weakest blastiose. PS. GO CHARIZARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pretty good. Although two of your Pokemon are duel type flying(charizard and Areodactle) and two dragon types(dragonite and kingdra)
a 9
three dragonite's 1 aerodactyl 1 charizard 1gyarados
Yes, shinies (gold magikarp, black charzard, ect) are stronger then normal pokemon,dragonite can't stand a chance against charizard with blast burn and it can also learn rock types
Charizard would beat Venusaur in a fight because he is fire type so that gives him the edge. Charizard also has a slight advantage in overall stats, plus fire type pokemon have less weaknesses than grass type.
You cannot breed three Pokemon at once, but you can breed charmander with dragonite. Actually, you MAY be able to breed any Pokemon, if they are compatible.
I got heartgold.....but they are like 46 gyarados, 48 charizard, 48 aerodactyl, 49 dragonite, 49 dragonite, and 50 dragonite. (ps. alllll his dragonites are very cheap)
i rate your team... 9999999999999999999999999999999900000000000000000000000000! you have my to favorite pokemon! torterra and charizard!