It is recommended that you use melee for the fight against Elvarg, as dragons have high magical defence. If there is absolutely no other choice, use magic.
Full Rune is the current best melee Armour for free to play characters.
The best armour to wear depends on the combat style you're using. If using melee, Dragon armour is the best, Black dragonhide armour is the best for ranged, and Grifolic armour is the best for magic. Using the wrong style armour for the wrong class will lower your accuracy.
ur best bet would be at least 47-50 but i did it at lvl 37 cause i got rich and bought full rune and full shark but it depends on ur stats
The best Melee weapon in the game is the Chaotic weapons. The Rapier is best for PvM, Maul is best for PvP. If you don't want to spend lots of time getting 80 dungeonerring then the Godswords are the next best option. Armadyl and Saradomin are joint best. The decider is that Saradomin Godsword heals you with its' special and Armadyl hits higher with its' special. The best ranged weapon depends on how your going to use it. Dark bow is only good for PvP. Rune Crossbow is ok for PvP and good fo training. The chaotic crossbow is not reccomended for anything. Knifes and darts are good for training but chins are best for training (see guides on how to use them). The best Magic weapons is Zuriels staff but it degrades. I would suggest Zuriel only for PvP and the Master Wand for PvP or PvM. Staff of light is good if your fighting a Melee person. The special stops 50% of melee damage agaist you. Any of these weapons can be the best, it just depends on how you use them.
go on and type it in and what concle you want and it shows you the best price
The best Armour for Free-to-play characters are: Corrupt dragon - Melee Green D'hide - Ranged Combat Robes - Magic
yesYou didn't mention your prayer level. Either "protect against melee" or "protect against magic" help a lot with Elvarg. But at your current level, you should be able to defeat the dragon without prayer, too. Be sure to take the best food. And don't forget the anti-dragon shield! The dragon can cause a tremendous amount of damage to players who don't carry it.
the best are rune galents for non mem for member it depens on what u are training magic, range , or melee.
hi, for melee, gravite 2h sword, for range, maple longbow (sighted) and for magic, gravite staff. All these items need a decent dungeonering level, but its worth it for the best weps!. hope this helped.
That would also depend on your preferred type of combat - melee, magic, or ranged. One spot I like a lot (for magic or melee combat) is the Stronghold of Security, under the Barbarian Village. There you find monsters at different levels.That would also depend on your preferred type of combat - melee, magic, or ranged. One spot I like a lot (for magic or melee combat) is the Stronghold of Security, under the Barbarian Village. There you find monsters at different levels.That would also depend on your preferred type of combat - melee, magic, or ranged. One spot I like a lot (for magic or melee combat) is the Stronghold of Security, under the Barbarian Village. There you find monsters at different levels.That would also depend on your preferred type of combat - melee, magic, or ranged. One spot I like a lot (for magic or melee combat) is the Stronghold of Security, under the Barbarian Village. There you find monsters at different levels.
The Giants Scarabs weaknesses are:Iban Blast ( Magic )Ice Rush ( Magic, best choice )Stab Attacks ( Melee, Best and only choice )slayer dart ( Magic )
in my opinion is this light-golden axe-melee dark-shadowspear-ranged energy-mjollnir-ranged ice-nemmesis mace-magic fire-liqiufactore-melee/reign bringer-magic wind-tonbo giri-ranged water-tsunami edge-melee earth-blade of awe-melee/spear spear of awe-ranged/staff of awe-magic for multi element stay with gaurdian blade (i prefere elemental seeker but your choice to listen to him)
Yes you can but make sure you have food on you because ive seen him hit a 15. EDIT: If you forgot your AntiDragon Breath Shield, people have been hit 50hp once, which can kill my guy in one hit.
Best equipment is- rune legs + rune scimitar + dragon shield + rune full helm + admant plate body ( rune chain body may work too if only you are not using mage or ranging ) . I kiled with this equipment at the level 45!!!. with anly tunas not lobys.
Using ancients with at least level 83 Magic, also mix ancients with melee or ranged for more effect.
You mean the hard one, Elvarg the dragon. Either mage it(I dont reccommend this as the dragonfire hits 110, 130+ if not equipped with the anti dragon shield) or melee it(the best way). Bring full rune(rune chainbody) and use a scimitar bring lots of food!
there are 3 armour whos defence(melee) bonuses are the same (and the best) -dharok -guthan -torag for the best magic defence bonuses karil is the best gl ;)