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Only a handful of girls have shown obvious interest in Ash. For example, there's Macy during the Johto saga of the anime. After Ash rescued her Vulpix and his Pikachu from Team Rocket, she began worshipping him as a hero and she went as far as to ask Ash to go on a date with her. Then there's the Salon Maiden of the Battle Frontier, Anabel. At the end of the episode in which Ash earns the Ability Symbol from Anabel, the two shake hands, and when Ash departs with his friends, Anabel blushes, holds the hand she shook Ash's with and says "Well Ash, I guess you can't sense feelings yet, or you would have sensed my feelings for you." Also, Melody from "Pokémon: The Movie 2000" went a step further and gave Ash what she calls a "welcome kiss" when he and his friends arrived on the island she was situated in. The main female leads (e.g. Misty, May, Dawn, Iris) have shown hints of interest, but these hints are mostly to please the fans. However, Misty and May have shown the strongest hints of feelings for Ash.

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