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they are the same. the only thing different Pokemon like in soul silver you get groundon and in heart gold you get kyogre. in soul silver lugia will be level 45 and in HG it wil be 70. in soul silver Ho-Oh wil be 70 in HG 45. so there the same

also latias in HG and latios in SS

altogeather Hoho is way better than HG that's why i bought HG instead of SS . its better

Improved by belovin: what u just said doesnt make sense. ss is better because it just is. lugia is better than hooh and in the original game it had better graphics and u can go to the whirl islands earlier to get horsea. its just way better.

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Q: Which game is better Pokemon SoulSilver or Pokemon heart gold?
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Type your answer here... the game id for Pokemon soul silver is ipge-2d5118ca

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you cant get it in game. easiest way is to trade from heart gold or soulsilver

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More people have done better in Pokemon Soul Silver. This also depends on whether you want LUGIA or OH-HO first.

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soul silver isn't out yet but soon it will b and it WILL b better

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Pokemon soulsilver and Pokemon heartgold are basically the same game just different versions but i do recommend buying Pokemon soulsilver

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its IPGE2D5118CA (soul silver) IPKE4DFFBF91 (heart gold)