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by migrating pokemon from your gba game

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Q: How do you get into the catching show in Pokemon SoulSilver?
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Where is the bug catching contest in Pokemon soulsilver?

at the National Park

Can you get a scyther in pokemon soulsilver?

in the bug catching park at golden rod

Where is Scyther on Pokemon SoulSilver?

Bug catching contest p.s. He is rare

How do you get the dragon scale in Pokemon SoulSilver?

you get it after catching or defeating red gyarados

Where to get syctyher in Pokemon SoulSilver?

in the bug catching contest its on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday

Where do you find ninjask in Pokemon SoulSilver?

Bug-Catching Contest on Thursday and Saturday.

How do I get red's Pokemon in Pokemon SoulSilver?

You cannot get Red's actual Pokemon. You can, however, get the type of Pokemon he has by catching them. He will not trade his own Pokemon to you, however.

How do you get suicoon in Pokemon HeartGold?

Please see the related link below. Catching Suicine in SoulSilver is the same as catching it in HeartGold.

Where is nanjaska in Pokemon SoulSilver?

To get a Ninjask, you must evolve a Nincada (Bug Catching Contest).

Were can you find a sun stone on Pokemon soulsilver?

You can have one by winning the Bug Catching Contest

Where is the everstone in Pokemon SoulSilver?

There are 3 ways to get an everstone in Pokemon SoulSilver: 1. Show Professor Elm a Togepi (which you get by obtaining the mystery egg from Professor Oak in Cherrygrove City). 2. Come second in a bug catching contest. 3. In Kanto, go to Route 25 and show Bill's grandfather a Lickitung.

What to do after catching Groundon in SoulSilver?

After catching Groudon in Pokemon Soul Silver talk to Oak. He will tell you to get Kyogre. You get it by tradind of using cheats.