There's no such thing in Pokemon. It's all about how you use them. Choose your favorite, or one that would balance out your team, all I can tell you is what attacks I prefer to use on mine that manipulate their strengths and weaknesses. Take note these are for the generation IV (D/P/Pl) in-game Eeveelutions, not competetive battling or anything:
Plain Eevee: Double Team or Substitute, Last Resort, Dig, Yawn/Wish/whatever move works for you and your team
Vaporeon: Last Resort or other hard-hitting physical move, Surf or Hydro Pump (I prefer Surf because of it's greater accuracy, but it is an HM move), Ice Beam, Shadow Ball or Dig
Jolteon: Thunderbolt, Magnet Rise, Dig or Iron Tail, Double Team/Substitute/whatever works for you and your team
Flareon: Flamethrower, Dig or Iron Tail, Last Resort or other hard-hitting physical move (even something like Body Slam, Flareon's got great Attack, though I'd advise against Giga Impact due to it's low Defense -- it'll be vulnerable for a turn), Double Team/Substitute/whatever works for you and your team
Espeon: Psycic, Morning Sun, Last Resort or other hard-hitting physical move, Double Team/Substitute/whatever works for you and your team, AND if you're playing Platinum, you might consider Signal Beam and Zen Headbutt
Umbreon: Dark Pulse or Sucker Punch (Suck Punch is Platinum-only), Last Resort or other hard-hitting physical move (Giga Impact might be a good choice, since Umbreon has great Defense and Sp. Defense), Confuse Ray/Moonlight/Screech/other status affecting move, a move that works for you and your team. I dunno, Umbreon has a poor movepool. xD
Leafeon: Leaf Blade or SolarBeam (depending on whether you mind charging, but has good defense to take a hit while doing so), Synthesis/Wish/Swords Dance/whichever power-up you value, Aerial Ace, X-Scizzor/Giga Impact/Last Resort/other hard-hitting physical move (like with Flareon, it has good Attack, so really any decent physical move)
Glaceon: Ice Beam (or Blizzard if you like the accuracy risk, or want to sacrifice a move for Hail), Wish, Aqua Tail (for Platinum players) or Water Pulse, Dig/Iron Tail/or the typical hard-hitting physical move
Always remember to pay attention to your Pokemon's stats, strengths, and weaknesses. Good luck raising a successful Eeveelution! =)
Now i like Flareon 4 its good atk,sp.atk,sp.def stats teach it flame thrower Quick Attack, sunny day,will o wis/roar/fire blast
I personally think that Glaceon is best. But every one of them is special in their own unique ways. For example;
Glaceon and Espeon have higher SPECIAL ATTACK than the other eeveelutions.
Leafeon has a higher DEFENSE than the other eeveelutions.
Umbreon has a higher SPECIAL DEFENSE than the other eeveelutions.
Flareon has a higher ATTACK than the other eeveelutions.
Jolteon has a higher SPEED than the other eeveelutions.
Vaporeon has a higher HP than the other eeveelutions.
Glaceon resembles a Snow Fox.
Espeon resembles a Cat.
Leafeon resembles a cat-part-fox.
Umbreon resembles a dog-part-fox.
Flareon resembles a lion.
Jolteon resembles a dog.
While Vaporeon resembles a Fish-like dog.
the strongest eeveelution is that they are all the same but they are super affective to other types of Pokemon
well i honastly don't know which looks bettewr i think all eeveelutions are cute including eevee the only eeveelution i don' think is cute is jolteon
No, additionally we will only see gen 5 Pokemon until the story is finished. So no more caves filled with geodudes and zubats :) Source: Pokemon monday
it is not the best game
Eevee: HP- ** Attack- ** Defense- ** Special Attack- ** Special Defense- ** Speed- ** Vaporeon: HP- **** Attack- ** Defense- ** SA- **** SD- *** Speed- ** Flareon: HP- ** Attack- **** Defense- ** SA- *** SD- *** Speed- ** Jolteon: Hp- ** Attack- ** Defense- ** SA- **** SD- *** Speed- ***** Espeon: HP- ** Attack- ** Defense- ** SA- ***** SD- *** Speed- **** Umbreon: HP- *** Attack- ** Defense- *** SA- ** SD- **** Speed- ** Leafeon: HP- ** Attack- **** Defense- **** SA- ** SD- ** Speed- *** Glaceon: HP- ** Attack- ** Defense- *** SA- ***** SD- *** Speed- ** Eevee has all of it's stats even. It's also very low, but that's because it's not a fully evolve Pokemon and most people would evolve it. Vaporeon is consider one of the best by stats. But it also depends on the moves you choose it to have. It's best for it to have a SA move. Flareon are consider to be one the worse by stats, but don't get me wrong. I've done many sweeps with Flareon before. It's best for it to have an Attack move. Jolteon is known to be one the best choices for an electric type Pokemon. It has very good speed & SA stats which means it's best for it to learn SA moves. This little fox Eeveelution is very helpful. Espeon are helpful. They have good speed and SA. Now it's typical for it to have a SA stat since it's a psychic type Pokemon. It's one of the most I've seen on Eeveelutions Teams. Umbreon is loved but yet one the worse. It's move set is very poor when it comes to attacking. So it's best for defense. More importantly, SD. The move set my Umbreon has (until I change it) is Hyper Beam, Confuse Ray, Taunt and Cut. I didn't want to teach my Leafeon Cut, so I taught it to Umbreon. Confuse Ray is used to confuse foes, of course. Taunt is more helpful when my foes are using healing based moves. And the Hyper Beam may not be the best choice, but it's a move that I can work with. Leafeon is good with in Attack & Defense. However, for it being a grass type, it does have quite a few weaknesses, like Fire, Flying, Ice, Bug and Poison. But just as long as you have a good move set, Leafeon can be helpful. Its leaves can be useful for slicing moves like Leaf Blade and Cut. Glaceon has a nice SA stat which makes it a decent choice. It's good for the weakness of Jolteon & Flareon since it can wreck ground and rock types. However, Glaceon is known to be the least loved so, as far as I seen, not much Eeveelutions Trainers use Glaceon. For those who are wondering what animals these Pokemon are based on; Eevee: cat, dog, fox and a little bit of raccoon Vaporeon: cat with some dog features and of course, fish Flareon: dog with some fox features Jolteon: fox Espeon: cat Umbreon: dog with quite a few cat features Leafeon: cat with some fox features Glaceon: dog with a few fox features and little bit of cat
umbreon and espeon
There is none...Yet. Just keep your hopes up for Pokemon Black and White. The only eeveelution that would be close to ghost would be the Dark type.
I think it's vaporeon or umbreon or espeon
You must give eevee lots of friendship and evolve it at night.
the strongest eeveelution is that they are all the same but they are super affective to other types of Pokemon
you need eevee/eeveelution to 80%+ link with main hero to get to rank 3
To get Glaceon or Leafeon, you need to trade an Eevee to Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum as there is no way to get a Gen IV Eeveelution in the remakes.
There isn't a definitive answer on which Eeveelution is the strongest as it depends on the situation. However, Espeon is known for its high Special Attack and Speed stats, making it a strong choice for special attacks in battles. Jolteon also has high Speed and Special Attack stats, making it a strong attacker that can outspeed opponents.
You can get it by defeating the 5 Eeveelution Kimono Girls in the Dance Theater which is located in Ecruteak City. After you beat them you can get Surf from someone in the Dance Theater.
Eevee and it's eeveelutions are based on Fennec foxes. They only have a cat like appearance
well i honastly don't know which looks bettewr i think all eeveelutions are cute including eevee the only eeveelution i don' think is cute is jolteon
No, additionally we will only see gen 5 Pokemon until the story is finished. So no more caves filled with geodudes and zubats :) Source: Pokemon monday