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South Korea, China, USA, Europe.

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Q: Which country plays the most video games?
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What country make the most video games?

Japan produces multiple video games a year.

Which country spend most money on video games?


What age group likes video games the most?

Video games are popular with all age groups. The age group that plays the most is teenagers with 91 percent playing video games. The 18 to 29 year old age group has 81 percent playing video games.

What is a cyber athlete?

One who plays video games as a competitive sport. Most play in professional tournaments.

Where are video games usally made?

Most video games are made in Japan or the U.S.; namely California.

Do jews play video games?

Video games are built for any person including Jews. Jews who follow their religion strictly will incline on not playing video games but currently, most Jews play video games.

What country have the most video gamers?


How much is call of duty black ops going to be?

The price of video games varies from country to country and store to store, but it will most likely be around 98-108 dollars AUD.

Does someone who plays video games type faster?

If your most likely to play games that includes the thumbs you wouldn't type fast but if you played games on computers like chatting online or sims where you chat and you use the keyboard and stuff like that you are most likely to type fast.

Popular video games?

The most popular video game is Halo reach

Do guys like girls who play video games?

Coming from a gurl in my opinion yes video games rock. My bf luvs video games and i mean i not going to hate him cuz he plays them i mean if a gurl doesn't find tht attractive then she might not like u much but if she likes a lot of other things about u but wont date u cuz of the video she has issues

Most soccer games won by single country?

Which country has won the most soccer games in history?