Sweet, Special, Stunning, Sexy, Silly, Strong, Steady, Sister, Swell, Selfish, Supportive...
Slender, sweet, stunning, sophisticated
Some three letter words starting with "s" are:sacsadsagsapsatsawsayseaseesetsewsexsheshysinsipsirsitsixslysobsodsonsopsotsowsoyspaspystysuesumsun
Some four letter words starting with S and ending with F are:selfserfsurf
Sharp, sincere, skillful, smart, special, stylish and sympathetic are positive words. They begin with the letter s.
Slender, sweet, stunning, sophisticated
scary, spooky, stimulating
Smart, stupid, silly, skinny, scandalous.
Some three letter words starting with "s" are:sacsadsagsapsatsawsayseaseesetsewsexsheshysinsipsirsitsixslysobsodsonsopsotsowsoyspaspystysuesumsun
the opposite gender is a woman !!
Words beginning with the letter s that describe people:sarcasticscatterbrainsselfishseriousshysillysinceresloppysmartsneakysnobbishsnottysophisticatedspookysqueamishstingysympathetic
Silly goose! ;)
Some four letter words starting with S and ending with F are:selfserfsurf