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Q: Words that describe the sun that start with the letter s?
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Shining, sharing, shocking, sheltering.

How do you write a fraction to describe the number of days in a week that start with the letter T?

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What is an adverb that describes the sun?

Adjectives are the words that describe noun. Adverbs are words that modify verbs.Some adverbs for the verb to sun:cautiouslycontinuouslydailyfrequentlypassionatelyregularlyseldomslowlywarmlyzealouslySome adjective that describe the noun the sun are:blisteringbrightburningfadinghotlife sustainingrisingsettingshiningwarm

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The adjective used to describe a noun as of or related to the sun is solar.

Are there any words related to the sun that start with the letter c?

Cosmos. cosmology, cosmo, I'm out of ideas. Core Corona Chromosphere

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aso (dog) araw (sun) ahas (snake) alon (wave)

Name 5 word that describes the sun?

Here are some words a scientist might use to describe the sun: 1.) Hot 2.) Gaseous 3.) Bright

Give you adjective that describe tha sun shine?

Adjectives that describe the sun shine are words like "bright," "warm," and "happy." Although, some could describe them as "treacherous," "burning," or "dangerous."

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