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Water with 109 different species.

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Q: Which Pokemon type has the most Pokemon?
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Which type of Pokemon is most effective against flying Pokemon?

electric type of course!

What pokemon does champion Alder have?

Most of his Pokemon are bug type.

What Pokemon types are most effective against rock Pokemon?

The most effective in rock type Pokemon is water Pokemon ofcourse.

What type of Pokemon can beat a normal type pokemon?

The most effective type to battle with against a normal type Pokémon is a fighting type.

What is the most powerful water type Pokemon in Pokemon emerald?


Which Pokemon knows flash attack?

Most electric type and psychic type pokemon can learn flash.

What Pokemon are the most effective against ELECTRIC TYPE?

Electric-type Pokemon are only weak against Ground-type attacks.

In Pokemon emerald what Pokemon know dig?

diglett, rayquaza, and most ground type Pokemon

What type of Pokemon do you need to teach rockclimb to?

Any Pokemon you want, most normal types and rock type Pokemon can learn that move.

What is the most effective type on ghost type Pokemon?

The most effective type on ghost type is ghost. Weird, huh?

What Pokemon can learn to rock climb?

Most ground type Pokemon can learn it

What is the most powerful water type Pokemon ever?

The most powerful water type is Suicune.