Most Water type Pokemon can learn Rain Dance, like Gyarados, Marill and Blastoise. Some non-water types can learn it too, like Solosis, Tailow and Woobat. If you're asking what Pokemon learn it while leveling up, it includes Pokemon like Castform, Milotic and Tympole.
I don't remember... I lost my Pokemon Emerald Game.
By using Sunny day, Hail, Rain Dance. Moves that It can learn
no there is not _________________________________________________________________ Yes there is a way the only way is to use an attack like Sunny Day or Rain Dance to stop it.
A damp rock is a hold item that extends the move rain dance used by the older from 4 turns to 8 turns instead.
You can't find swords dance as a TM in Pokemon Black
Well a blastoise knows rain dance and you don't need a Pokemon that NEEDS to straight away know the move you can really find the TM rain dance and i don't really know why you need the move rain dance because it isn't really a good move that a Pokemon should know but if you want to then i may as well help you with anything.
Route 213
I don't know what you're asking but TM17 is Rain Dance.
I don't remember... I lost my Pokemon Emerald Game.
it increases the duration of rain dance.
To be honest I dont know if reindeers dance anyway so it would most likely be a no im afraid they dont dance in the rain or dance at all.
You can get it at Slowpoke Well, or Celadon Department Store
In Pokemon Pearl, the TM for Rain Dance does not occur somewhere the player can find it. Instead, they must collect ten blue shards and trade them with the mountain guy outside of Pastoria City for the TM.
Probably Thunder. The thing I do is send out a Pokemon with Rain Dance. Then, when it starts raining I send out Raichu and make it use Thunder. Pretty effective, since Rain Dance lasts for a while.
In the UK: if you do the rain dance then everyday you do the rain dance if you want it to be sunny do the sunshine dance
I used rain dance to boost water type moves, use ludicolos rain dish, use kingdras swift swim and let all my Pokemon with thunder certain to hit
In Almia and up, use it on a burning tree.