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Here is a list of all pokemon that can learn Psychic:

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Q: Which Pokémons learn psychic on Pokémon emerald?
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At what level does solrock learn psychic on pokemon emerald?

Solrock learns Psychic at level 33 this is a STAB move so it will do tons of damage. However if you missed this level it can still learn it using a TM.

What moves does Gardevoir learn in emerald?

Gardevoir is a psychic type of Pokémon in Pokémon Emerald version. To get one, you need to evolve a Kirlia.

What are the moves that are best for beauitfly to learn in emerald?

TM Hyper Beam TM Psychic TM Solerbeam TM Shadow Ball

What Pokemon know hypnosis on Pokemon emerald?

Drowzee and Hypno are top choices. but most psychic Pokemon know/can learn Hypnosis.

What level does lapras learn psychic?

Lapras cannot learn psychic by natural means. It can learn TM29- Psychic.

When does noctowl learn psychic in Pokemon platinum?

noctowl doesnt learn psychic

Can Blaziken Sceptile or swampert learn psychic?

No, none of those Pokemon can learn Psychic.

Can Espeon learn psychic?

Yes, it learns Psychic by level.

What level does Lugia learn psychic?

Lugia can't learn psychic on its own, but you can teach it through TM29.

What level will Bronzong learn Psychic in Pokemon Diamond version?

A Bronzong cannot learn the move Psychic on its own. You'll have to teach it TM29 Psychic to have the move.

What level does wobbufet learn psychic?

Wobuffet will never learn psychic it only can learn safeguard, counter, mirror coat and destiny bond.

Can Absol learn Psychic?
