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Kill Big Jack Sprat or skeleton warriors at /join graveyard.

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Q: Where you can find the green jewel in bejeweled blade quest in aqw?
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Aqworlds how do you get the bejewled sword?

It's Bejeweled Blade. Do Valencia's daily quest Bejeweled Blade.

How do you get the red gem in the bejeweled blade quest in the adventure quest worlds?

go to lolosia

How do you win the bejeweled blade in adventure quest worlds?

well first you have to go to battleon and talk to Valencia. Pick daily quests and choose bejeweled blades. Next you have to go to guru forest, the cemetery, and lolosia. one you battle the monsters in all 3 places you will get 6 different gems from them, green, red, purpal , clear, yellow and blue. when you have all 6 go back to her and press "turn in" then you will get the bejeweled blade! hope it helps!

Where is the best place to buy a weapon or weapon in adventure quest worlds?

I use the Lucky Sword but the Bejeweled Blade is also good

When can you equip the bejeweled blade on adventure quest worlds?

Take the quest from Valencia called "bejeweled blade"in aqworlds. Then go to guru forest on the map and fight the trobble and then leatherwing. Now go to the graveyard and fight the skelitonal worrior 1ce and the skeletinal viking a couple times. Then go to Lolosia and fight the shark bait and the fishman soldier and the turn it in

How do you get the green jewel in adventure quest worlds?

Go to the Graveyard and then keep fighting all the monsters including Big jack sprat then you will get the green jewel

How do you get the daily quest items in Adventure quest worlds?

To get the daily quest on AQworlds is simple, you Only have to talk to valencia in battleon and click on daily quest, there is two quests: Bejeweled Blade( always there ) and The daily quest. but getting the items for her drops off certain mobs.. there is a website that tells you.

Where can you find the green jewel at adventure quest?

Anywhere in the three places Valencia tells you

When did Jewel Quest happen?

Jewel Quest happened in 2004.

When was Jewel Quest created?

Jewel Quest was created on 2004-10-29.

How do you get the bejeweled blade in aq worlds?

you go to battleon square and do the daily quest. Once there u talk to lady in the middle and then u read what it says and collect the jewels and enhance it at the trainer building because i recommend it

Is there a Jewel Quest 4?
