Kill the monsters in the graveyard and pirate ship and hope they drop all six gems.
How do i move the furniture in my house in adventure quest?
Only Themeios knows that.
The best MMRPG game Ever my opinion
go to lolosia
I use the Lucky Sword but the Bejeweled Blade is also good
You mean hacks in adventure quest world, and sorry, I don't hack.
How do i move the furniture in my house in adventure quest?
To get the daily quest on AQworlds is simple, you Only have to talk to valencia in battleon and click on daily quest, there is two quests: Bejeweled Blade( always there ) and The daily quest. but getting the items for her drops off certain mobs.. there is a website that tells you.
It's Bejeweled Blade. Do Valencia's daily quest Bejeweled Blade.
You have to buy it
Get 250000 what?
It is a player in Adventure Quest World.
there is adventure quest, adventure quest world, fight my dragon, the eclipse, death of horror, wizard 101 and i think there is one on adventure quest world +
Take the quest from Valencia called "bejeweled blade"in aqworlds. Then go to guru forest on the map and fight the trobble and then leatherwing. Now go to the graveyard and fight the skelitonal worrior 1ce and the skeletinal viking a couple times. Then go to Lolosia and fight the shark bait and the fishman soldier and the turn it in