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It's the same from Fire Red.It looks like you think that Pickachu appears Fire Red because they are very rare from Viridian Forest.You can find Pickachu easily at Power Plant near Route 10 and Rock Tunnel(Note that you need Surf to cross it).

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Q: Where will you find Pikachu in Pokemon LeafGreen?
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Where can you find a Pikachu in pokemon Pokemon LeafGreen?

Pikachu can be caught at either the Viridian Forest, or the Power Plant.

Where do i find the girl who wants pikachu in Pokemon LeafGreen?

In Pokemon Yellow, the only obtainable Pikachu is the one you receive from Professor Oak. You have to cheat or trade to obtain another Pikachu.

How do you get Pikachu in Pokemon Colosseum?

You can't get pikachu in Pokemon colosseum you can see it but that's all, if you want pikachu you would have to trade one from firered, leafgreen, ruby, sapphire or emerald.

Can you catch Pikachu in Pokemon LeafGreen?

yes you can its really common to find one anywhere especially in the power plant .

Does raichu evolve in Pokemon LeafGreen?

Raichu never evolves. Unless you meant Pikachu, which evolves into Raichu. Or Pichu, who isn't in Leafgreen but evolves into Pikachu, then Raichu.

What pokemon can you catch in the viridan foriest in Pokemon LeafGreen?

Caterpie, Weedle, Metapod, Kakuna, Pikachu.

How do you get picksho in Pokemon?

If your reffering to 'Pikachu' (#25 in the Kanto and national pokedex.) you can find it in a lot of places. Your best bet is going to '' In Pokemon FireRed/LeafGreen you can find it in Viridian Forest.

How do you get a Pikachu in Pokemon LeafGreen version?

Rare. Virdian Forest and Power Plant.

When does Pikachu lern thunder?

In Pokemon FireRed and LeafGreen, Pikachu learns Thunder at level 41. It can be sooner when given the TM Thunder.

How do you get Pikachu on Pokemon LeafGreen?

You have to catch him/her.Pikachu is found in Viridian Forest and at the Power Plant.

Pokemon LeafGreen how to beat misty?

You may have to train your Pokemon to at least level 20 or use a electric type like pikachu you can catch it in viridian city but its rare to find.

Where do you get a Pikachu in pokemon white?

You cannot find pikachu in pokemon black.