You have a 5% chance of finding a pikachu holding one. Other than that, there's really no other way!
Piplup does not exist in Pokemon LeafGreen or FireRed.
You cannot catch houndour in Pokemon leafgreen either get one from Pokemon emerald or Pokemon colosseum.
That item doesn't exist in leafgreen.
in Pokemon tower btw i LOVE Pokemon
on a island
You can't get the light ball leaf green or fire red.
There is only one
you cant find it
Piplup does not exist in Pokemon LeafGreen or FireRed.
No, you cannot find cyndaquil in LeafGreen.
you should go to gamestop
i love u
LeafGreen version does not have Growlithe.
In the grass...
You cannot catch houndour in Pokemon leafgreen either get one from Pokemon emerald or Pokemon colosseum.
when tou battle red on his pikachu has a light ball you have to use theft to get it.
there is no such Pokemon