In the pier beach the gnome is found near the boulder.
In the west beach you will find it near the big rocks partly in wet because of the sea.
In the first beach, face the sea and the gnome will be to the right side of the beach. It will be in between the 2nd and 3rd tree from the left.
the best cheat on any sims game is boolprop testingcheatsenabled true . BEST CHEAT EVER I SWEAR!!!! YOU CAN GO ANYTHING! just type it in and then hold down the shift key while clicking on either a sim or the mailbox.EARN LOTS of MONEY-go to your lawn (near mailbox) because the gnome is supposed to show there.-enter the gnome cheat L1 L1 R1 X X (d-pad) up.-when gnome appears-Hold triangle, up, left, down, right.-click on the gnome and select "give simoleons" and it will give you S10,000-keep on selecting gnome and "give simoleons" until you have 999,999 which is the limit.PET POINTS--go to your lawn (near mailbox) because the gnome is supposed to show there.-enter the gnome cheat L1 L1 R1 X X (d-pad) up.-when gnome appears- triangle, circle, x, square, L1, R1-click on the gnome and select "give pet points" and it will give you 10,000 pet points.-keep on selecting gnome and "give pet points" until you have 999,999 which is the limit.I know for a fact that these two cheats are accurate ^_^
Have you remote point to the screen where it shows your needs (food, sleep, etc.) and above the thing by your face it has "Show relationships" and "Switch sim" click switch sim and select the sim you want to play as.Note: You have to have the sim in your tribe to play as them, and you have to have created more than just you to play as another
you need to make it go to the crafting station look for the rope and it will show you what you need to make it you need to get long vines to make the rope, you get this by goin to the part of the island rite before you find the skeleton and there is a bush were you forage the material.
Just try to find all heiroglyphics and when you reach the 3rd island try to find a way to get to the top of the volcano. Their you will find a door where, if you actually found all heiroglyphics, a option will show and will open the door where the rulers used to sit!
the cheat needs to be entered during gameplay, the gnome will show up on the lot someplace. but it's ususally in front of the lot (next to the mailbox)
the best cheat on any sims game is boolprop testingcheatsenabled true . BEST CHEAT EVER I SWEAR!!!! YOU CAN GO ANYTHING! just type it in and then hold down the shift key while clicking on either a sim or the mailbox.EARN LOTS of MONEY-go to your lawn (near mailbox) because the gnome is supposed to show there.-enter the gnome cheat L1 L1 R1 X X (d-pad) up.-when gnome appears-Hold triangle, up, left, down, right.-click on the gnome and select "give simoleons" and it will give you S10,000-keep on selecting gnome and "give simoleons" until you have 999,999 which is the limit.PET POINTS--go to your lawn (near mailbox) because the gnome is supposed to show there.-enter the gnome cheat L1 L1 R1 X X (d-pad) up.-when gnome appears- triangle, circle, x, square, L1, R1-click on the gnome and select "give pet points" and it will give you 10,000 pet points.-keep on selecting gnome and "give pet points" until you have 999,999 which is the limit.I know for a fact that these two cheats are accurate ^_^
If you mean the one in geyser plains on third island, you fix the forage in the temple and make a hammer & chisel. Then go back to the rock, and examine it, then the Sim will hammer away at the bottom and send the rock down. -James Perkins
there is no cheat but there is a lifetime wish for it
oh the gnome robbed it so it is a little hard but don't use cheat cause they say the wrong answer
You can find a bunch of them in the cave on the second island. They will show up in random places to so keep an eye out.
yeh its L1, L1, left, triangle and square
type in help in the cheat box and it should show you all the cheats including the unlocking career oblects.
There are many Sims 2 cheats. Open the cheat box by pressing Ctrl + Shift + C.Enter: Help.Many cheats will be listed in the cheat box. If you see one you like copy it into the cheat box and press enter.One cheat that will probably not show up is bool prop testing cheats enabled trueBut without the spaces.
crl-shift-c IT STILL WONT WORK!
"heros fat gnome" doesn't appear to be an anagram for anything.