

Are there any Sims 2 pets cheats?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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15y ago

Best Answer

the best cheat on any sims game is boolprop testingcheatsenabled true . BEST CHEAT EVER I SWEAR!!!! YOU CAN GO ANYTHING! just type it in and then hold down the shift key while clicking on either a sim or the mailbox.


-go to your lawn (near mailbox) because the gnome is supposed to show there.

-enter the gnome cheat L1 L1 R1 X X (d-pad) up.

-when gnome appears

-Hold triangle, up, left, down, right.

-click on the gnome and select "give simoleons" and it will give you S10,000

-keep on selecting gnome and "give simoleons" until you have 999,999 which is the limit.


--go to your lawn (near mailbox) because the gnome is supposed to show there.

-enter the gnome cheat L1 L1 R1 X X (d-pad) up.

-when gnome appears

- triangle, circle, x, square, L1, R1

-click on the gnome and select "give pet points" and it will give you 10,000 pet points.

-keep on selecting gnome and "give pet points" until you have 999,999 which is the limit.

I know for a fact that these two cheats are accurate ^_^

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Well of course you can! You can have kids in any of the sims. I have the sims 2 pets and yes you can. Well of course you can! You can have kids in any of the sims. I have the sims 2 pets and yes you can.

Money cheats for sims 2 pets?

Motherlode= $50,000 kaching= $1,000

How do you get baby on sims 2 pets PS2?

for the PS2 version of the sims 2 pets, your sims can not have any babies.

How do you get a Upstairs on Sims 2 Pets?

on sims 2 pets you dont have any upstairs or any stairs at all

Weredo you type in cheats for sims pets 2?

ctrl_shift_c all at the same time

Can you get you pet pregnant on sims 2 pets?

you can not have any kids on the sims 2 pets for the PS2 version.

With sims 3 can you have sims 2 pets?

No, you cannot have Sims 2 pets on Sims 3. You must have Sims 3 pets for Sims 3 or Sims 2 pets for Sims 2.

Can you have a babie on sims 2 pets?

Me and my friend have got sims 2 pets and we cant seem to get them to have a baby. We are even trying the cheats and its still not working. But atleast you can have baby pets!