Some people will argue with me but i think the best place
to train is at the Pokemon lugue you can battle them over and over again
There are various good places to train flying types in Pokemon Platinum. A good thing to do would be to use the vs seeker.
The easiest one to find, train, and teach would be geodude.
you should train sycher against fire and pshcik pokemon:D
in heart gold cerulean cave in platinum i don't know
Train it so it can have resistants
Train Aron.
Train it to level 45.
you have to train your girl kirlia
Train it to Level 30
e1337 4
There are various good places to train flying types in Pokemon Platinum. A good thing to do would be to use the vs seeker.
victory road
You have to train an Eevee by happiness at night
Train your magneton at Mt. Cornet
No there is not a code to make Pokemon lvl99 you have to train them.
you must train your golbat to maximum happiness