Rock Smash can be found on Island 1, in the little spa area on Kindle Road.
rock smash isn't in Pokemon red version
The HM06 which contains Rock Smash is given by an old man on One Island in the ember spa.
Rock Smash is TM08 in Gold and Silver, is a newer move and therefore is not usable or findable in Pokemon Red, Blue or Yellow.
you will see mewtwo if you follow the maze you will need strength rock smash flash and surf
in Pokemon silver, gold, crystal, yellow, blue or red rock smash don't exist. in the new versions rock smash is a HM.
rock smash isn't in Pokemon red version
The HM06 which contains Rock Smash is given by an old man on One Island in the ember spa.
The HM06 which contains Rock Smash is given by an old man on One Island in the ember spa.
there is no rock smash in Pokemon Red. there are only 5 HM's in Red version. the rock smash was introduced in the Silver and Gold versions.
Rock Smash is TM08 in Gold and Silver, is a newer move and therefore is not usable or findable in Pokemon Red, Blue or Yellow.
you will see mewtwo if you follow the maze you will need strength rock smash flash and surf
you cant
HM 2 (fly) is in route 16HM 6 (rock smash) is in island 1
PokŽmon Ash Gray is a rom hack for PokŽmon Fire Red version. It is not possible to get rock smash in this version. Instead, you use a pickaxe.
in Pokemon silver, gold, crystal, yellow, blue or red rock smash don't exist. in the new versions rock smash is a HM.
Go to One Island and go into Ember Spa. The old man will give you rock smash.
you don't have the required badge