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hi there, once i was looking around YouTube and saw something about Pokemon sprites, i don't know how i got Pokemon from failblog, but anyways, i have been going crazy because i didn't know how to make a Pokemon Sprite, until i watched this guys video,

now i almost have over 90 Pokemon sprites, im serious just listen and watch this video and it will explain every thing from using the parts of the Pokemon, to coloring it

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Related questions

How do you make Pokemon game sprites?

type Pokemon sprites on Google and then go on Pokemon sprite genorator the website is

How do gamesharks effect Pokemon Emerald?

it can create glitches, or strange sprites if not used properly

What are Pokemon sprites?

Pokemon Sprites are the little Pokemon Images used within the Console games. You can get some Pokemon sprites from here

Where can you get Pokemon sprite pictures big like the ones they fuse on youtube?

go to Google and search up and get any of the sprites and then go to paint, then zoom in on it and then you have a big Pokemon sprites.: )

Can you make Pokemon sprites on Pokemon beach?

There is no program on Pokemon Beach (That I'm aware of) that allows you create custom pokemon. However you are free to "sprite" your own (draw your own) and share them on the Pokebeach Forums.

Where is a good website you can get Pokemon sprites?

Pokemon serebii

What are the different sprites in Pokemon lake?

in platinum the different sprites are UXIE,MESPRIT and AZELF

Where Do You Get A Pokemon Sprite Maker?

Pokemon sprites can be made on paint

Were can you go to make Pokemon sprites?

you go to Pokemon or Pokemon elite

Where can you find Pokemon out of battle sprites?

Normally Some legendary pokemon do it, like the Legendary bird group (Zapdos, Articuno and Moltres) have Sprites. All the Main Legendary and that are always in the same place have OOB Sprites.

Why do the pokemon on pokemon emerald move but not sapphire?

In emerald the sprites are animated

How do you put Pokemon sprites on pivot?

on pivot press file and then there will be a option saying insert sprites and you would be able to put in any sprites you want.