Pokemon Sprites are the little Pokemon Images used within the Console games. You can get some Pokemon sprites from here http://www.pokemonelemental.tk
Pokemon Red is based soley in the Kanto region, with no moving sprites. Pokemon Crystal is based in Johto with the option after beating the Elite 4 to take on the Kanto gyms, the game contains moving sprites and has better graphics that Pokemon Red. There is alot more difference than that.
You can make animated Pokemon icon sprites using a variety of software. Examples of such software include Photoshop and Flash.
soory but i dont think its possible
By getting an Editor for Pokemon Emerald that allows you to modify the sprites...
Pokemon Sprites are the little Pokemon Images used within the Console games. You can get some Pokemon sprites from here http://www.pokemonelemental.tk
Its just a hacked Pokemon game that's changes the Pokemon a little bit and the sprites are different. Even a different map
one of the 3 sprites uxie, mesprit or azlef but i cant rember which one
type Pokemon sprites on Google and then go on Pokemon sprite genorator the website is http://www.dragonflycave.com/testing.htm
Pokemon serebii
Pokemon sprites can be made on paint
Pokemon Red is based soley in the Kanto region, with no moving sprites. Pokemon Crystal is based in Johto with the option after beating the Elite 4 to take on the Kanto gyms, the game contains moving sprites and has better graphics that Pokemon Red. There is alot more difference than that.
Naiads, the freshwater sprites.
Normally Some legendary pokemon do it, like the Legendary bird group (Zapdos, Articuno and Moltres) have Sprites. All the Main Legendary and that are always in the same place have OOB Sprites.
In emerald the sprites are animated
on pivot press file and then there will be a option saying insert sprites and you would be able to put in any sprites you want.
You can make animated Pokemon icon sprites using a variety of software. Examples of such software include Photoshop and Flash.